Payre Nursery – professionals
serving walnut tree and walnut producers.

Payre Nursery is situated in Albenc en Isère, in the very heart of the exceptional, world-famous Grenoble Walnut territory between Lyon, Valence and Grenoble.
In business since 1977, Payre Nursery is the European leader of production of grafted walnut fruit trees. The nursery diversifies its production by also offering common and hybrid walnut timber trees as well as deciduous trees. Certified by INRA, CTIFL, UE+ INFEL®, our nursery guarantees walnut and deciduous trees of the highest quality while ensuring optimal follow-up and traceability.

Payre Nursery brings you solid experience in grafting not only most varieties of walnut trees found in France (Californian varieties, pollinating varieties, hybrids, INRA-certified) but also in grafting the principal species of walnut trees for timber and many types of chestnuts and deciduous seedlings.

Our team of nursery professionals advises and aids you in choosing seedling varieties according to the results you expect from silviculture, and in planting your seedlings and managing your orchards.

Relying on the strength of its professional experience and on the sheer surface area of its grafted walnut seedling nursery, Payre Nursery is prepared to respond in a timely manner to all types of requests, and to handle orders of up to 50,000 walnut seedlings within France and around the globe. Apart from France, the nursery offers its seedlings (walnut and deciduous) for export throughout Europe, the Mediterranean basin, Russia, the Middle East….

Made in Isère,

Traceability, and
seedling quality

